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Proactively and Strategically
Leverage Data To Grow and Profit

Data Driven Applications

Automation With Ease and Expandability

The crudLi platform has the easiest and most comprehensive form builder you can find online. Even if you don't have technical knowledge, you can customize and create a form that suits your business or personal needs.

It allows you to create a simple form or multi form workflows to match your business operations.

All forms are fully secure, can be used from anywhere the business operates and on their preferred devices.

The platform is not just a form builder. It supplements with additional services like post processing form submissions with code, re-submissions, updates, deletes and numerous ways to display your captured business data.

Above all, crudLi facilitates sharing your business data in real time with customers, suppliers and staff.

Click & Create Form Builder

Create forms using simple mouse clicks. Numerous pre-built containers and data entry fields are available for inclusion in your custom form.

Data Entry Validations

Each data entry field in the form has a built-in type validations to ensure proper data is captured correctly and accurately.

Conditional Logic

Permits adding conditional logic to show or hide form fields based on the user’s data entry.

Embed & Share

Embed forms on your website or directly share them via URLs

Auto Populate

Prefill form fields with data for faster form filling process

Multi-Page Forms

Break your lengthy forms into smaller multiple form pages using tabs, accordions or other containers.

Partial Form Submissions

Collect partial submitted form entries & offer a Fill Later option or allow resubmissions.

View All Form Submissions

As a form submitter, you can view the current and all of your past submissions. You may also re-submit any of the past submissions.

Spam Filtering

We detect and filter out spam submissions for public forms.

Customizable Submission Response

Customize responses for each form. Use custom colors, your own logo or insert links when someone has submitted your form.

Email Alerts On Form Submissions

Get notified of the successful form submissions through emails.

Conditional Redirection

Redirect users to different web pages after form submission.


All forms are fully secure by default. Form can have a public or private access. You can control who has access to each of your individual forms.

Team Delegation

Give your team members access to your account and delegate as needed.


Integrate form submissions with Google spreadsheets, Files, REST Services, Chat Applications or any other tools. We even let you manipulate the data before you send it.

Let's Transform Your Business Together!

Click the Contact Us link below to discuss how crudLi can help your business.